By Zisanda Solwandle
"At home, we never did any cultural things or ceremonies for ancestors; we only believed in God," said Lindeka Namba.

Lindeka Namba
Photo credit: Zisanda Solwandle
Lindeka is a 30-year-old woman from Mqanduli, a small town in the Eastern Cape. She grew up in a Christian home that does not acknowledge ancestors. "My mother taught us that there is only one God that we should worship, the one who created heavens and earth," she said.
Christianity is a religious belief centered around the life and death of Jesus Christ and the bible's teachings. People who believe in Christianity are called Christians. Christians believe that there is only one God, the God who created the heavens and earth. This divine God consists of the father (God himself), the son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. Christians live their lives with the holy bible teaching.

The holy bible
Photo credit: Zisanda Solwandle
Lindeka received teachings from her Christian mother and her mother's church, the Anglican church. "My childhood teachings were based on the bible. I was told that my body is Christ's temple; therefore, I must carry it with pride and dignity, in the way I talk and dress, and I should not have a child out of wedlock."
As Lindeka grew up in a Christian home and received Christian teachings, she remained a Christian when she was old enough to choose her path because she saw Christianity as a good way of life. And for spiritual growth, she decided to leave her mother's church and join Christ Embassy church.
In Christ Embassy, Lindeka was rewarded by God with a leadership position. "My pastor spotted me. He saw leadership skills in me and chose me to be a youth leader." At the time of being chosen to be a youth leader Lindeka was 23 years old.
In Christ Embassy, Lindeka did get not only spiritual growth but also empowerment for self-realisation and growth.
"As a leader, I learnt that you should be truthful, trustworthy, and be a willing person. Also, as a person, you should always show your God-given leadership even outside your church and make a difference where you can."
Even though Christianity has had some great rewards for Lindeka, it has not always been easy, especially when blending in with her peers. "When I got to university, other youngsters funnily looked at me and mocked me."
These funny looks made Lindeka a bit uncomfortable the first few times, but she got used to it because she understood that people came from different homes and grew up with different teachings from hers. So, she decided not to let people make her feel bad about herself and her life choices and instead focused on her faith because being a Christian is her choice.
Now Lindeka is a proud Christian who does not once regret her decision to commit herself to Christianity and is grateful to her mother, who introduced her to Christianity and gave the teachings that guided her to be the strong young woman she is today.
Audio interview with Lindeka Namba
Edited by Zisanda Solwandle
Reference list
Lindeka Namba, 30 year old woman from Mqanduli editors. 2021, Christianity. August 3, Accessed from: